Sunday, September 30, 2012

Robertson, Party of THREE!

Well, we are a bit behind on all of this, but in the time since our last post, we have added a new member to our family, Boone Samuel Robertson!

Handsome... isn't he?? Our lives changed forever on September 4, 2012 when this guy arrived into the world! 

To back up a bit, we found out last February that this little guy was on the way! We were completely overjoyed when we found out!

Me, with the two tests that we took! 

The pregnancy progressed very normally and my belly began to grow...

and grow...

and grow...

And... then about 2 days after the above picture, the little one in my belly decided to make an arrival into the world, 6 weeks early, but at a pretty hefty 5 lbs, 13 ounces (for a preemie!)...

Here is our first photo as a family of three!

Our little one spent 12 nights in the NICU at Rockyview Medical Center in Calgary. We were blessed that he didn't have to be on oxygen or get treated for any infections, but doctors wanted to make sure that he gained weight and was stable enough to head home! We definitely had some rough times in the NICU, but the nurses and doctors took great care of our baby and we are so thankful for the care he received.

Baby Boone in his isolette to help stabilize his temperature. The little cast on his arm is a bandage wrapped around his IV in his arm!

After he got transferred to an open-air cot. 

Hanging out during his first round in the car seat test. He had to have consistent oxygen levels while sitting in his car seat for an hour and a half before he could be discharged. It took him three tries, but on September 15, 2012, Boone was able to go home! 

Our little Canadian in his "Made In Canada" outfit to head home!

One last picture with his nurse Jen that had been with him for his last week at the hospital!

So, Boone's arrival into the world wasn't quite as we had expected: We didn't have a hospital bag packed, we hadn't even started our labor and delivery classes, and our family had planned trips later in October to meet our little guy, but we were so blessed with how everything turned out. Some of the blessings of his arrival was that: I was able to receive antibiotics and steroids for Boone to help with his health before his arrival, we had amazing labor and delivery nurses that talked Jeff and I through a natural, unmedicated labor and delivery and our little guy was actually a good size and thrived during his time in the hospital.

We've been home for 2 weeks now and it has been a HUGE blessing... a tiring time, but a blessing nonetheless! We can't thank our family and friends enough for all the prayers and support. Boone is already growing, and as of last week (he was three weeks and three days old) he was 7 lbs, 1 ounce! Crazy how fast they grow!

Get ready for lots of updates about our new family of three! 

Love from the three of us,

Jeff, Emily + Boone