Thursday, January 31, 2013

The many faces of Boone!

I know it may seem like most of our recent posts have been about the new little person in our family, but as any new parent will tell you, your life does shift to focus a great deal on a new baby. It's fun to see life through his eyes and watch him discover new things each day. 

Recently, I've been taking lots of pictures of Boone with a fancy new camera that Grandma Robertson gave us for Christmas! It's been fun to try and capture pictures of Boone now that he is smiling a lot more... but we've noticed that along with the smiles come all kinds of funny facial expressions! So here are just a few... Enjoy!

I can't wait to hear what he is thinking when he is making all these faces! Hope his expressions continue as he grows and matures!

Happy Thursday!


Jeff, Emily + Boone

Sunday, January 20, 2013

4 months + Tour de Boone Part 2

We've already passed the 4 month mark with Mr. B! It seems like it's starting to go in fast forward already! We are just trying to take time to enjoy moments with Boone and time as a family together!

Jeff and I refer to the time between month 3 and month 4 in Boone's life as when he started "waking up." It seems like he really began to interact with us more, smile more and communicate more (through cooing, of course!) It's amazing how he is growing and developing more and more each day!

Boone also had a first in his fourth month when he stayed at daycare all day at Lake Louise Ski Resort! It was nice because we knew he was in good hands of the daycare providers and Jeff and I could enjoy a day of skiing in the Canadian Rockies!

Here's a few more pictures of our adventures with Boone on our trip back to the United States!

Boone in his cute Christmas shirt, thanks to our friend, Christy! And, Uncle John with Boone on Christmas Eve!

Boone with the group for his first Christmas brunch! And Daddy and Boone checking out the Christmas lights!

Boone hanging out with Papa and Boone meeting Great Aunt Dorothy, Ryan and Jeff!

Boone wearing Uncle John's infant Christmas outfit from 1989 on our last night in St. Louis!

All in all, it was a great trip filled with lots of good memories with our little one! We are so thankful for the time we got to spend with so many friends and family! And we are already looking forward to the next trip, hopefully soon!

Love from us up north!

em, jeff + boone

Saturday, January 5, 2013

3 months and Tour de Boone part 1

Shortly after Boone turned 3 months old, we set out on a three week trip to the states! Our time there was filled with lots of friends and family and many first time meetings for our little Boone! It was so much fun to see him with all the people we love so much.

First, a little look at Boone at 3 months. We had the opportunity to go with some friends from small group to cut down their Christmas tree in Kananaskis Country here in Alberta. Since we were going to be gone much of December, we didn't want to put up a tree, but we cut down a tiny one to get a picture with Boone. Here he is, looking somewhat content.

And here is a picture that represents most of his 3rd month... Crabby. But cute nonetheless. We have had a bit of fussiness, but with a little more sleep and a bit of a schedule, we think it is getting under control. He changed so much between 3 and 4 months! Lots of smiling, cooing, standing (assisted, of course!) and interacting!

On our first trip with Boone he did remarkably well on the plane rides! We flew from Calgary to Denver and then after a couple hour layover, we flew from Denver to Kansas City. He only cried for a brief time on our first flight when we started to land. I think he could tell something was up with his ears, but he just wasn't sure what was going on. Besides that, he did great and many travelers and flight attendants "ooh"-ed and "ahh"'-ed over him! Here's a picture on our first layover of Jeff and Boone hanging out.

In Kansas City, we had the opportunity to attend a work function for Jeff and also spend sometime with friends that we don't get to see often. Here's a shot of some friends from past projects:

Before we left KC, we stopped and spent some time with our friends the Murphys! They had a baby boy, Jonathan, that was due around the same time as Boone! We can't wait to see these two grow up to be great friends! 

Jonathan, Boone and Jonathan's big sister, Hannah!

The boys looking very uninterested... But the moms had fun spending time together! 

Next, Boone and I parted ways with Jeff as he left to go to Omaha for training! I headed with the little one to Fulton to spend a few days with Grandma and Grandpa Robertson!

On the left, Grandpa R. snoozin' with Boone and on the right, Grandma R. taking a turn with the baby carrier. 

After a few days of farm living, Boone and I continued our travels onto St. Louis. We spent time with papa and Nanamimi (my mom and dad) and Uncle John. Also, Boone had the opportunity to meet his great-grandma Sutterfield. Such a blessed little boy with all the love he is surrounded by!

Boone and his great-grandma!

We also had the opportunity to take some family pictures with my immediate family! I'll put those in a separate post once we get the images from the photographer!

After we picked up Jeff from the airport in St. Louis, we headed back to Fulton for a week and then celebrated John's birthday and Christmas in St. Louis! So... more pictures to come!

We are headed to ski this weekend! Can't wait to get out there for the first time this season!


The Robertson 3