Getting the birthday boy up out of bed!
Dad took the day off of work and Boone was excited to see Jeff!
Donuts for breakfast!
Onto the train! Boone was amazed!
Nana and Papa came along for the ride.
The birthday boy!
My mom got Boone a little train and he played with it the entire ride!
Our family!
Meeting the "conductor" at the end!
After we got home, Boone opened a few presents!
A bubble mower!
Didn't take him long to start playing!
Trucks to play outside.
Birthday cookie cake for Boone with a train theme! We had lasagna for his birthday dinner since it is one of his favorites (if a two-year-old can actually have favorite food!)
Blowing out the candles on his 2nd birthday!
We love you Boone-man! We are so proud of the little boy you are becoming and can't wait to see what the next year holds for you. You are loved beyond words and we pray that God uses you in big ways in His plan. Thank you for all the fun and joy you have brought into our lives!