Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sweet Home Canada!

We've been in Canada for THREE MONTHS! Hard to believe that it has been that long, but at the same time, it feels like we've been here for a lot longer. People keep telling us that we have completely lucked out with our first Canadian winter... Apparently it is usually much, much worse weather-wise, but hey, if Canada wants to go easy on us this year, I'll take it! :)

We are nice and settled into our place here, so I thought it was about time for some pictures. It's a pretty basic townhouse. It is three levels: basement and garage on the first floor, kitchen, living room and dining area on the second floor, and two bedrooms and a little office nook on the third floor. It works out well for how much space we need, but we have had to make some adjustments from all the room we had in good ole' Tennessee.

So... here are the pictures:

Here's a shot of our living room, nice and cozy

Here's our little dining area. 

Our kitchen! Hard to take a picture, because we have a 
big sliding door to the right of this picture.

We have a HUGE island, which is so nice for making meals 
(and catching all of our random stuff throughout the week!)

Just had to get a shot of all our Christmas cards! Love seeing 
all our friends and family's faces each day... 
I need to take them down, but it is so hard!

Stairway up to the bedrooms! Love having space to hang up 
pictures. Clearly, the cats enjoy the stairs.

Our bedroom. Looks like our bedroom before,
except in a smaller room.

Our master bathroom.

Our guest bedroom... Ready for visitors! And it has its own en-suite bathroom.

So, that's basically it...Nothing fancy, but it's perfect for us. We'd love to have visitors, so if you are interested in coming up, let us know!

From north of the border,

Jeff and Em

1 comment:

  1. I love it Em! Looks so cozy and really nice! Glad you are liking Canada...Tennessee misses you!
