Sunday, March 23, 2014


Well... we are finally settled into our house in Denver and it is starting to, sort of, feeling home! I say that because it feels weird to say "we live in Denver!" It is somewhere we've always wanted to live and it has not disappointed so far! The weather has been wonderful, and we've been able to enjoy all the fluffy powder up in the mountains and get out to ski at two different resorts.

The first month we were here was pretty hard though. It took us quite awhile to find somewhere to live that was decent and that didn't break the bank. The rental market here is crazy and everything is in high demand. If we were going to be here for any amount of time it would be worth it to buy a home, but sadly, we will probably be in Denver for our shortest stay yet... But then again, you never know! Since it took us so long to find a place and get settled, I've fallen a bit behind with the blog! So the next couple of posts will be playing some catch up on the life and times of the Robertson clan. First up, my mom's surprise party!

My mom turned 60 back at the end of January! My brother and I decided that we would gather a few of her close friends and surprise her with a dinner at a local restaurant. Boone and I flew in the day before her birthday and my mom and dad took my mom's birthday off work. We went to the Science Center and we all had fun playing with Boone at all the exhibits. Then we went to lunch and came home to let Boone get his nap in. We had to do a little fibbing to get my mom to the specific restaurant where we had planned the party. We told her that my brother had bought a Groupon for the restaurant and he wanted to contribute to the dinner. It somehow worked and everyone was waiting to surprise her when we arrived. It turned out so well and she was really surprised! It was so fun to do something for my mom because she does so much for so many other people!

The pictures are a little blurry, but it was a dark room, so I'm just thankful to have pictures! Happy birthday, Mom! We love you!

Mom opening a few gifts people brought. My Aunt Dorothy made a neat picture books of all different times in my mom's life! Really cool to see all the old pictures!

The cake that I made with lots of help from Mrs. Younkin! It was three layers and completely from scratch! It was quite the endeavor, but tasted REALLY good!

My mom and her sister, Dorothy!

The fam, minus Jeff! We missed him while he was busy getting our stuff moved into our new home.

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